Rules for Lionsmeet

Lionsmeet Competition 2012 


The aim of the competition is to find the locomotive capable of performing the greatest amount of work done during a run lasting ten minutes, as measured by a suitable dynamometer car interposed between the locomotive and the train, in each of the competing gauges. If no dynamometer car is available then the work done will be estimated based on the load hauled and distance run.


Participants need not be members of OLCO, but if they win the competition they will be required to join OLCO and pay the subscription before an award can be made. If a winning driver declines to join the award will be offered to the runner up. Drivers and owners must provide evidence of public liability insurance cover. This will normally comprise a valid boiler certificate and membership card issued by a club in membership of a recognised national association or federation, and a certificate of insurance issued by that club. The driver need not be the owner or the builder of the locomotive entered. The competition is open to Lion locomotives in 3½”, 5″ and 7¼” gauges, subject to track gauges available at the host club (v5), and prizes will be awarded in each of these three classes. Reasonable modifications to the published design are permitted, but the addition of ballast external to the profile of the engine is not. The marshal will determine what is reasonable (v4). Normally any given locomotive may be entered once only, but if entries are few it may be entered a second or third time with different drivers. (v5)


The marshal will determine the running order and, an hour before the start of the competition, will give each driver an approximate running time. The marshal will designate in agreement with the official observer the starting point for the timed runs, which will be the same for every driver. The finishing point will be wherever the train happens to be after ten minutes.

Drivers and observers should familiarize themselves with any additional requirements imposed by the host club and posted in the steaming bays, for example regarding speed limits and/or spark arrestors/deflectors, and ensure that they have a suitable coupling ready (see separate sheet, or Lionsheart no 48, page 3). Drivers may select the load of their choice, in terms of the number of trucks and number and distribution of passengers. Passengers must be members of the host or guest clubs or their families or friends.

Drivers should be ready to run, with their passengers, at the allotted time. They should have a good coal fire before they leave the steaming bay, but their coal consumption will not be measured and plays no part in the calculation of results. When called to run, drivers should back their locomotive onto the train, and load the train, including the official observer, under the direction of the marshal. They may perform up two two trial laps of the track if they so choose, and then proceed to the designated starting point. Drivers may at this point increase or decrease the load to be hauled by whatever means they may choose, subject to safety considerations (v5). The dynamometer car meter readings of work done and distance traveled will then be recorded by the official observer and checked by a second observer or marshal. The driver may check the reading. The meter will not be reset but readings will be taken and checked at each point of measurement as with a gas meter and the differences calculated. The official observer and checker will both sign for the reading.

The driver is to observe all requirements published herein, all local club requirements, and all directions of the official observer. The official observer will tell the driver when he may start the timed run, when he exceeds any speed limit which may have been set, when two minutes and one minute from the end of the run, and when the run is to stop. The driver should do nothing that would artificially increase the dynamometer car readings, such as leaning on the locomotive or tender. The official observer, or appointed lineside marshals, will warn the driver of any transgressions and the driver will be disqualified on the fourth such warning. The running time will be ten minutes. The driver may stop for up to five minutes for any reason at his discretion, but the stopwatch will continue running and no extra time will be allowed to compensate for the time stopped. The driver may drop off passengers and/or trucks during the run, but may not pick up. The stopwatch will continue running whilst this is done. The driver may take on consumables during the run, which he should request at the designated location.

At the end of the run, at the official observer’s direction, the driver will immediately close the regulator and bring the train to a halt. The official observer and a second observer or marshal will record and check the dynamometer car readings. The official observer and checker will both sign for the readings. The driver may check the reading.

At the conclusion of the competition the work done and distance travelled by each locomotive will be calculated from the relevant meter readings, checked, and the results published. The driver of the locomotive producing the most work done in each gauge will be declared the winner in his class, and a senior member of the Old Locomotive Committee will present the prizes as follows:

7¼” gauge: The 7¼” Gauge Cup,

5″ gauge: The Mike Parrot Memorial Cup.

3½” gauge: there is no trophy, but it is customary for the chairman to make a presentation of fine wine.

The cups may be held by the winners till the following year, provided they are members of OLCO. The wine may be disposed of at the recipient’s discretion.

APB v5 July 2006